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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School


Pupil Voice Newsletter Autumn Term 2023

Pupil Voice Newsletter Spring 2024

Croeso i’n tudalen Criw Cymraeg!

 Welcome to our Criw Cymraeg page.


We represent our classes and make Welsh fun in our school! We love speaking Welsh in class and on the yard. We visit other children at playtime to play games and chat to them in Welsh.

We have 1 Criw Cymraeg member from each class. We aim to meet as often as we can to discuss ideas we have and want to share with teachers and other children and to prepare for assemblies we do for our school.

Our aim is to get children to use as much Welsh wherever and whenever they can and enjoy it!


Rydym yn cynrychioli ein dosbarthiadau a gwneud Cymraeg yn hwyl y ein hysgol! Rydym yn caru siarad Cymraeg yn y dosbarth ac yn yr iard. Rydym yn ymweld â phlant arall amser chwarae i chwarae gemau a siarad gyda nhw yng Nghymraeg.

Rydym yn cael 1 aelod o Griw Cymraeg o bob dosbarth. Ein nod yw cwrdd yn aml i drafod syniadau rydym yn cael ac eisiau rhannu gydag athrawon a phlant arall ac i baratoi am wasanaethau rydym yn gwneud i’r ysgol.

Ei nod yw cael llawer o blant i ddefnyddio gymaint o Gymraeg sy’n bosib ac i fwynhau e!

Criw Cymraeg Responsibilities

Autumn Term/ Tymor Hydref


What have the Criw Cymraeg been up to? Beth ydy'r Criw Cymraeg wedi bod yn gwneud?


The Criw Cymraeg meet weekly to present the weekly Welsh assembly to all children in Penllergaer Primary school. They work hard every day to try and raise positive attitudes towards the Welsh language. The Criw use incidental Welsh daily, alongside staff and are there to help children using their expertise. Don't forget to check our Welsh of the Week in Penllergaer, just scroll to the bottom of this page! Diolch.

Shwmae Day! 


The Criw have met to plan exciting things ready to celebrate Shwmae Day. They decided they would like to organise a raffle for the pupils of Penllergaer to win a Dewi y Ddraig! They raised over £150 when doing this raffle. Da iawn Criw Cymraeg!

Picau ar y Maen - Welsh Cakes 


The Criw Cymraeg met to make Welsh cakes to sell on Shwmae Day. They made over 130 Welsh cakes and sold them to Reception, Year 1 and Year 2! Dw i'n hoffi picau ar y maen achos mae picau ar y maen yn flasus iawn!

Shwmae Day 2023

Still image for this video
The Criw Cymraeg visited pupils in Penllergaer to say 'Shwmae' on Shwmae day! Take a look at their responses.

Spring Term/ Tymor Gwanwyn


Another busy term for the Criw Cymraeg. Tymor prysur iawn!

The criw have continued to deliver their weekly Welsh assemblies to encourage the pupils of Penllergaer to use and speak the Welsh language throughout their day. 


For St Dwynwen's Day we worked collaboratively with the Enterprise Troopers to provide the opportunity to design and create their own love spoons for someone special. They raised over £150! Da iawn chi! There were some beautiful designs. 


During this term, the whole school have also been preparing for our Whole School Eisteddfod by practising their songs, dances, recitations and producing arts and crafts. On Friday the 1st of March the Criw Cymraeg helped make sure the day ran smoothly and were blown away with all of the fantastic performances and entries. 


A fantastic term for the Criw and everyone for their efforts in the Eisteddfod! We wonder what Summer term will bring?!


Tymor prysur arall i'r Criw Cymraeg! Mae'r Criw wedi bod yn perfformio ei wasanaethau Cymraeg i'r ysgol yn wythnosol er mwyn annog gweddill y disgyblion i siarad Cymraeg yn ystod y dydd.


I ddiwrnod Santes Dwynwen wnaeth y Criw Cymraeg cydweithio gyda'r Enterprise Troopers i roi'r cyfle i'r plant creu llwy garu ei hunain i rywun arbennig. Roedd yna ddyluniadau prydferth iawn.


Yn ystod y tymor yma, mae'r ysgol gyfan wedi bod yn paratoi am ein Heisteddfod ysgol trwy ymarfer ei chaneuon, dawnsio gwerin, adroddiadau a chynhyrchu celf a chrefft. Ar ddydd Gwener y 1af o Fawrth, roedd y Criw Cymraeg wedi helpu gwneud yn siŵr fod y dydd wedi rhedeg yn esmwyth.


Tymor bendigedig i'r Criw a phawb am ei ymdrech yn yr Eisteddfod ysgol! Beth fydd tymor yr haf yn dod i ni?!