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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

Digital Technologies



  • Use ICT to plan, deliver, assess, evaluate and enrich the curriculum.
  • Children will develop a range of ICT skills that they can apply in their everyday lives today and in years to come. These will be taught discretely and practiced in a range of interesting and creative ways.
  •  All children are engaged through up to date multi-media learning experiences.
  •  ICT skills are used by children to extend their own learning in and beyond the classroom.
  • To make all children aware of appropriate use of ICT and how to use ICT responsibly.
  • Teaching staff will find new and exciting ways to incorporate the use of ICT into learning.
  • Planning is reviewed and adapted regularly to keep up with current developments in learning and technology.
  • The school will share and celebrate success using ICT.
  • Teachers are confident in the use of ICT to support their role.
  • Have a clear understanding of ‘e-learning’ and know how to remain safe.



  • Every child will have access the latest high quality ICT equipment.
  • The children have their own space both on the network and internet.
  • Children are kept safe when using ICT equipment by using risk assessments, filtering software and teaching.
  • Fast and easy access to computers in every classroom and in designated areas.
  • Online activities that can help us to learn inside and outside of school.



  • To use ICT to promote links with parents and the wider community.
  • The school has an effective website that is used to communicate with parents, prospective parents, other schools and the wider community. It is updated regularly.
  • Outside agencies are used to enhance and extend our curriculum through the use of ICT.
  • Educate children and parents in all aspects of e-safety.
  • The school makes links with other cultures and communities by using ICT.
  • Support and understand the e-learning of their children.
  • Can access information that allows them to support and develop their children’s learning.
  • Know how to protect their children within online communities.


Click below to find out about the new Digital Competence Framework and the skills taught for the different strands for each year group.


  • There is an easy to use system for the storage, analysis and retrieval of information.
  • There is a fully functioning network that is used to share information and resources.
  • School information can be access from other sites.
  • Information stored is used to inform planning and curriculum development.