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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

Job List

Job List


Are you able to help? As the summer quickly approaches, it is wonderful to see our school grounds in all their glory. We are very blessed in Penllergaer to have fields, a woodland area, a Peace Mala garden and lots of open spaces. Mr Lewis, our amazing caretaker, is always out and about working on our school grounds, but as is always the case - there is so much to do and not enough hours in the day. Please see below a  running list of jobs that need doing in Penllergaer. Are you able to help? If you are able to help out in any way please call the office 01792 892354. 


Here is our current list of jobs. If you are able to do any of them, please call the office 01792 892354 as we need to know who is working on the school site and where. If you can bring materials, that would be great but we are happy to order them in for your arrival. When you've done it, let us know and we'll tick it off as a job well done. Thanks as ever for your support!

Summer 2024 Outdoor Jobs