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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

Pam Ddysgu? Why Learn Welsh?

Pam ddysgu Cymraeg?

Why learn Welsh?


The Welsh Government has a long-term vision to see the Welsh language thriving, with a million people able to speak Welsh by 2050. At Penllergaer we want to play a part in this – even if we do not fully speak the language, by understanding and appreciating its value to our culture and communities we can help increase its use in all aspects of life.


Learning Welsh or an additional language makes you bilingual. Being bilingual has many benefits such as; having positive effects on the brain, educational advantages, workplace advantages, health benefits, being more open minded and more social opportunities.


With over 530,300 Welsh speakers in Wales and many people learning, the Welsh language offers you an educational, cultural and employment advantage to you and your family. Why not start learning or improving your Welsh today?


Want to start learning Welsh today? Eisiau dechrau dysgu siarad Cymraeg heddiw? Click on the links below which will take you to some useful websites to develop your Welsh language skills now.






Cofiwch/ Remember: There are resources in the ‘Developing Welsh from Home’ section on our website to support your child’s Welsh skills at home.