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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

PPS Outdoor Learning Experiences

At Penllergaer we place real emphasis on Outdoor Learning.


We do this for a number of reasons:


1. It supports children in all 4 of our purposes; we are working to help them become:

  • ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives
  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

2. It supports real life learning, e.g. maths in context.

3. It supports creativity and problem solving. Children become better adapted to managing risk, and thinking for themselves.

4. It encourages child-led learning through exploration.

5. In an age of screen time, it's so good for the children to connect and love the outdoors.

6. It develops in children a love and care of the environment and nature.

7. Being outside, the children are more active which supports their physical development, it can also improve mental well-being.

8. Being outside gives the children a lot of pleasure. Happy children make happy learners!

At Penllergaer, children will have learning outdoors each week, sometimes this will take place off the school site, for example in Penllergare woods or Llys Nini. 


All children in the school also do work in our Woodland Learning area.

What is Woodland Learning?

The philosophy is to encourage and inspire individuals of any age through positive outdoor experiences.


It is an inspirational process, that offers ALL learners regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence and self-esteem through hands-on learning experiences in a woodland or natural environment setting. At Penllergaer Primary we have a designated area, which comprises a woodland area, we also use other parts of the school grounds from time to time.


Whilst taking part in these sessions, children have the opportunity to learn about the natural world, develop practical skills and explore and play in their woodland setting. That setting changes with the seasons and the children are out whatever the weather!

Will my child need any special clothing for Woodland Learning?

We ask that all children have suitable footwear (e.g. wellies or walking shoes), and waterproofs.  In the winter months, the children will be glad of hats and gloves.  Any other equipment we use is generally provided by the school.