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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

School Aims and Vision

Our vision is:
‘‘To provide a safe and caring learning environment where everyone can thrive. We want to develop every child as resilient, independent life-long learners capable of making an active contribution to an ever-changing technological, diverse world.”


We believe that education should be an enjoyable, continuous process with strong home/school links providing that vital continuity. Penllergaer has 12 values that are firmly embedded in our inclusive ethos.

To achieve these we aim:
To develop the whole child –intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, morally and spiritually.
To design a curriculum that is purposeful for our learners offering them a range of skills and knowledge based experiences.
To cultivate a climate of success for all children, enabling optimum progress and celebrating all of their achievements in all aspects of their lives.
To instil a positive attitude to learning.
To involve our pupils in the learning process by facilitating and valuing pupil voice and empowering them to make decisions about school life and beyond.
To develop in all individuals, resilience and perseverance having the capacity to work both collaboratively and independently, taking measured risks, solving problems and being enterprising and creative.
To develop literate, numerate and technologically able pupils to function effectively in an evolving Twenty-first Century. ✓ To develop a personal moral code, sensitive to the needs of others.
To promote equality of opportunity and understanding and respect for all irrespective of race, gender, ability, religion or culture locally, nationally and globally.
To help learners to become confident, self-respecting, ethical citizens.
To support Continuity of Learning.
To actively promote Children’s Rights and responsibilities.

To preserve and develop our own cultural identity within Wales, promoting the Welsh language effectively.
To instil in our learners the importance of a physically active and healthy lifestyle.
To raise pupils’ awareness of sustainable development issues through classroom study and community action.
To create an ethos of continual self-evaluation with high expectations and standards at its core.

Penllergaer Values were devised by all stakeholders – honesty, trust, empathy, fairness, responsibility, tolerance, perseverance, positive attitude, friendship, resilience, appreciation and collaboration.
Penllergaer Primary staff are ‘ACE’ aware and trauma informed and emotion coaching is at the heart of our practice.

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