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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

Siarter Iaith


Croeso i’n tudalen Siarter Iaith!

Welcome to our Siarter Iaith page.


We have been on our Siarter Iaith journey and are currently a Gold school. Y wobr Aur! Over the past few years the children and staff yn Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer have been working extremely hard developing and learning their Welsh skills. We are proud of our use of Welsh at Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer and enjoy using our native language daily and with pride.



Beth yw’r Siarter Iaith amdano? What is the Siarter Iaith about?

The Siarter Iaith aims to inspire children and young people to use Welsh in all aspects of their lives. The Siarter Iaith is for everyone, all members of the school community have a part to play, the school council, learners, workforce, parents, carers, governors and the wider community. The Siarter Iaith aims to increase the social use of Welsh by children and young people. 


The main feature of the Siarter Iaith is that the schools involved have an active and dedicated Criw Cymraeg who help the staff and pupils make Welsh fun and engaging in their learning environment. The Siarter Iaith is comprised of 10 targets. There are roughly 10 statements within the 10 targets which need to be embedded within active school life.