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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School

Speech, Language and Communication – New Parents’ Site

Dear Speech Link and Language Link User,


We know that your school will be putting together plans, resources and activities to ensure your pupils are supported with their learning at home, when your school closes.  

To support your children’s speech, language and communication needs, we have fast tracked the launch of our new Parent Portal to help with this. The site will be live from Friday 20th March and will provide parents with FREE speech and language advice, resources and activities.  


We are very happy for you to add the link to this site to your school website and of course to direct parents to the site so they can be reassured that the support for their children, who have SLCN, doesn’t have to stop once their school closes.

It is still Business-as-Usual at Speech Link Multimedia Ltd. We already champion flexible working, as such we have the full infrastructure in place to support a full remote switch. The Help Desk successfully completed a Business Continuity practice day on Friday 13th March. We are pleased to say that the Help Desk continued without any impact on its telephone and email service so schools can be confident that they will still have access to our SaLT and teacher support even when schools are closed. If you have any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Kind Regards,


Laura Sykes.


Speech Link Multimedia Ltd.



Phone: 0333 577 0784

Facebook: Speech Link Multimedia Ltd – Join The Link Facebook Group here.

Twitter: @speechlink

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