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Penllergaer Primary School

Ysgol Gynradd Penllergaer

Primary School


Penllergaer Primary School has a set school uniform, the wearing of which is strongly recommended and largely observed. Pupils should come to school in what is an appropriate and acceptable dress and the arguments in favour of School uniform outweigh those against it! To see a current price list of all uniform items, available from the school clerk, please click here: Uniform list -Parents.  (This will open as a ‘pdf’ file. You might want to print it, fill it out and bring it into school).



  • White Polo-shirt
  • Green jogging bottoms
  • Green sweatshirt
  • OR:
  • White blouse
  • Grey/black skirt, pinafore or trousers
  • Green or grey cardigan



  • White Polo-shirt
  • Green jogging bottoms
  • Green sweatshirt
  • OR:
  • White shirt
  • Grey/black trousers
  • Green or grey pullover


P.E Kit
Children must have a T-shirt, shorts, socks and gym shoes or trainers on their P.E. days. School PE kit is preferable and we suggest that each child’s kit is clearly labelled and left in school to save it being forgotten!